Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Get Insured with Eircooled's Insurance Partner - First Ireland


Club Member
Club Member
March 11, 2007
Was the car off policy for a while or a request on a standard renewal?

Car was off policy for about 6 months, and i decided recently to put it back on.
I asked why the requirement for a test when asked, and was told it was a relatively new requirement of AIG underwriters.
Which basically means if its something that classic insurance is now going to require, its compulsory testing no matter
who enforces it , government or insurance underwriters..

Not that i have anything against testing, I just wanted to know if any one else had the same request.


Club Member
Club Member
May 8, 2009
quickest, cheapest, easiest solution would to submit it for a voluntary NCT.

Why would you do that vintage and classic cars are still exempt from testing. there has been no change in the law and insurance companies do not set our laws
Insurance companies already rip us off at every turn why continue to bow down to them .
There was uproar when the RSA tried to underhandedly bring in an NCT for classics .an NCT which AXA even said was unnecessary
The RSA had to submit the idea to a public consultation to which we have not yet had an answer from the minister
But if I remember correctly the EU stated that if no test had been introduced before 2017 then countries could keep there existing system ( 1979 cut off in Ireland case )or they were talking of introducing a rolling 30 year exemption across Europe .. Even if a test had been introduced for classics and vintage cars within the time frame the EU directive stated that it would have to comply with the test that was present in your country when your car was new .as Ireland did not have vehicle testing until around 2002 our cars would still be exempt .
If first Ireland have started asking for NCTs on our cars then its about time the club looked for another company to deal with .
Saying that if the insurance company ask you for a test you must provide one is entirely wrong that's just another case of them making up their own rules .


Club Member
Club Member
February 16, 2017
Rossmore Park, Templeogue, Dublin 6W
Hi. Already a member but had to reregister, as forget all my log in details. I have a VW 1978 green bay camper. Just got a letter from first Ireland re my renewal insurance quote. They want me to reregister my camper as a private vehicle or they won't insure me. Just wondering has anybody else had this experience, They are saying my camper is a commercial vehicle and they now are only going to insure private vehicles. Cheers. Seán.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Hi. Already a member but had to reregister, as forget all my log in details. I have a VW 1978 green bay camper. Just got a letter from first Ireland re my renewal insurance quote. They want me to reregister my camper as a private vehicle or they won't insure me. Just wondering has anybody else had this experience, They are saying my camper is a commercial vehicle and they now are only going to insure private vehicles. Cheers. Seán.

Is it reg'd as commercial (N1?) van, or as a camper?


Club Member
Club Member
February 16, 2017
Rossmore Park, Templeogue, Dublin 6W
To be honest with you, I'm not sure. All I remember the when I registered it at the VRT Office in Tallaght, they were very unpleasant and after getting my registration back I think what was on it was make unspecified and a few other non related things, after me telling them all about it. They inspected it and charged me something like 400 euro. It was about 12 or more years ago. When home I'll check registration and see exactly what's on it. What should I be looking for to make it right. Thanks Sean.


Club Member
Club Member
February 4, 2015
I spoke with First Ireland this week as had to increase millage on my policy (which they did for free).

I'm up for renewal next month so was told, If the log book identifies the vehicle as a camper or private then their policy will cover, if it's commercial or a conversion, then they no longer will.

Carol Nash gave me a quote of 640e and when I said bollix...First Ireland was 195e, they dropped theirs to 190e.

190e was on a van that had to be over 30yrs old, and with a cvrt test. If the van was test exempt then they would need an engineers report.


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
I remember waaay back in 2004ish needing an engineer's report on my van too. For Carole Nash also as it happens. It had just turned vintage age, was a fresh import too so I thought it wasn't an unreasonable request at the time.


Club Member
Club Member
March 2, 2012
I too have received a letter from FI asking me to re-register as a private vehicle. I have spoken to a couple of different agents within FI and getting different responses, all a bit confusing!!
My vehicle is registered as vintage, Motorhome all good but also as M2 which is a "vehicle designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seating positions in addition to the driver’s seating position, and having a maximum mass not exceeding 5 tonnes; may have space for standing passengers." Not what I have....I have been on to Revenue and they have pointed me in the direction of the NCT.

FI among other thinks have suggested that my classification under (J.1) which is B should actually be A.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please.....



Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
I too have received a letter from FI asking me to re-register as a private vehicle. I have spoken to a couple of different agents within FI and getting different responses, all a bit confusing!!
My vehicle is registered as vintage, Motorhome all good but also as M2 which is a "vehicle designed and constructed for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seating positions in addition to the driver’s seating position, and having a maximum mass not exceeding 5 tonnes; may have space for standing passengers." Not what I have....I have been on to Revenue and they have pointed me in the direction of the NCT.

FI among other thinks have suggested that my classification under (J.1) which is B should actually be A.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please.....


M2 is 10 seats or more and should be C, M1 is what you want and is class A.


Tax class is separate again, and VIN/VET.


Club Member
Club Member
March 2, 2012
Thanks for the heads up. Who makes the change? Revenue told me to contact the NCT who VRT'd it in the first place. Make sense?


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
The vrt office are at nct centres but not every nct centre has a vrt office. Kilkenny tullamore and carlow have them dont know about the rest


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
My panel van has 'goods vehicle' listed on the tax book, First Ireland (AIG) have informed me that they will no longer insure it on my vintage policy unless i re-register it as passenger vehicle. This involves going to the tax office and getting a new log book issued. Its a vintage commercial and thats how i want it insured and be able to keep its 53 year old log book, after almost 10yrs with FI looks like i'll be going elsewhere.
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