A guy from near Gorey, Co. Wexford has a bay window for sale, he has asked me to put it up here for him.
I don’t have all the details yet,
Price €2,900
A guy from near Gorey, Co. Wexford has a bay window for sale, he has asked me to put it up here for him.
I don’t have all the details yet,
Price €2,900
- 1979 bay window (he is to look up tax book and confirm the year)
- Original Irish bus on a Carlow reg PIC _ _ _
- Pop top roof
- He has carried out work on the bus over the last 18 months, he originally located the bus and was commissioned to restore it for a couple (he is a retired panel beater), he followed the buyers instructions including painting it in their preferred colours of purple and white. The intended purchasers have done a runner, the guy hasn’t got a cent from them towards original purchase, paint etc, he is a little pissed off as you can imagine.
- The camper interior has been removed, the intended purchasers were going to do that themselves.
- The work he carried out includes, replacing the front panel, cills and rear corners, respray, he has worked on the brakes, ball joints, wiring, two new tyres, new rubbers & more.

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