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Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Eirespares beetle show 25th July 2010


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Well Done to All the Prize Winner's , Liam the panel Van was Bang On !!!!!!!!!!!!! Very Big Well Done . Well Done again to Martin Murray for an other Great Show i had arrived early and gave martin a hand set up it's take's alot of getting ready again Thank's Martin. What Made the Show for me was Paddy O' Callaghan's wife Betty , Daughter Lisa and Grand-daughter ciara being their , Hope Paddy was having a Look Down ? He was truly Missed Today (R.I.P)
Thank's to everyone Just for being Part of what has become A Great Show .
I second that. I didn't know Paddy but it was a nice touch to see Betty present the best of show.
What an excellent weekend. It almost felt like a mini festival last night up in the Clubhouse after the run with music, bbq and beer. Ended up green again this morning but maybe that was just the amount of Mac's lawn in my tent!!! Poor Podsyb got the blame (as usual)
Anyway, on to the show.......
Congrats Liam. What a van! Fair play to the Tip Mafia for turning it around so quick and to a top class finish. It really is stunning. Well done to Tonyvw for his beetles debut at the show also. Lovely work man.
Well done to the other Eircoolers who won prizes, Teresa, Mac, Alice and Brian (hope I didn't forget someone) Great to meet some new faces. I'll probably forget the names next time i see ye ;)
Right, get dem pix up.


Club Member
Club Member
November 11, 2008
Super show today,great day out, Liam super van, you did well on keeping that quite.Congrats to all the prize winners.


Well I have to agree that it was a great show and the run was a great test for any vw,thanks Martin
good food in Ardpatrick,count me in for next year


Club Member
Club Member
June 2, 2009
cork city
great show its nice to see all the aircoold cars/buses also it give you the target you have reach to stand up against these beauties

welldone to all
did eircool bet the other crowd for prizes ??


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Apart from the excellent show that Martin puts on every year, I have to say a massive well done to Mac and Michele for letting us all party at their place last night. I didn't go on the run and didn't get to Mac's until late but pulling up the drive was like driving into a festival.......and a VW festival at that! There were Buses and Bugs lined up on the grass with tents up and more struggling to put theirs up........cough....JUSTIN.....cough!
The set up was great. I was there on Saturday morning and Mac was setting up which involved cleaing up the Clubhouse, and like any workshop that took time. Then he was busy setting up the decks on the flatbed of the V-Lux. Top job Mac (y)




The car for me was definitely Liam's new shagginwagen! That is some serious metal and is a credit to all involved.

The other great car for me was the Kubel replica. It makes you wonder when you look at it; where do you start when you decide to build something like that? I looked at the pics a while ago and there are loads of neat touches that I missed but I'll definitely be checking this out again in more detail.

Well done Mac on ANOTHER trophy :D I'm glad there's lots of space in the workshop for trophies the way you're picking up prizes! well deserved though Mac :goodjob:

I missed all the prizegiving so I don't know who won what exactly but congrats to the Dollery clan, Alice & Gritz who all picked up prizes :nr1::nr2::nr3:
As Kev said already, well done to Tonyvw for making it to the show. It was great to see the Beetle drive in.

Before I finish up there is one person who made the weekend for me, or should I say, made the cookies for me. Michele (1L) those cookies were FRICKIN BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTIFUL :rate10:

I really enjoyed the eirBQ in Mac's last night as did all who were there. Beag, who was only staying for a short while ended up leaving there after midnight and faced a 50min drive home to Thurles but that just shows the eirBQ was a real success. Well done to Kev for spinning the wheels of steel or plugging in your iPod; either way the music was a1 sharon (y) ...................we won't mention that he started his set with jedward :sucks:
The club stand looked great (Kev, have you got the banners?).

There seemed to be a lot of people walking around with parts, moreso than previous years I thought which is good to see and maybe next year the trade area will be bigger. I picked up a nice set of ATS rims for my cal look project so I'm happy in my nappy :D

Here's to an even better 2011


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Yea, I took the banners and gazebo home with me Cox.
Congrats on the kubel, 60bug. Epic work. How you worked those doors into shape is incredible. I can't believe the work wasn't acknowledged more.


Club Member
February 3, 2009
BTW I take it I'm never welcome to the clubhouse again, after bringing cookies? LOL


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
My tent went up in seconds, ask Liam.

Taking it down was another story, ask everybody who helped. :D


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Sorry, forgot about the Kubel - fantastic fabrication work and would surely have won a prize if there was a classification to vote for it.


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2009
Yea, I took the banners and gazebo home with me Cox.
Congrats on the kubel, 60bug. Epic work. How you worked those doors into shape is incredible. I can't believe the work wasn't acknowledged more.

That Kubel was amazing - I've followed the build thread but even with that I was blown away seeing it in reality - its an incredible achievement. Its deceptively simple like the best ideas but took some skill and vision to get to where it is today


Club Member
Club Member
July 16, 2009
A big Thank you to Martin for a great run on Saturday evening, really enjoyed it and today looked like a brilliant show. Well done to all who particaipated and won prizes.

Also thanks to Mac and Michelle for the bbq on Saturday night (I'll second that coxy, love those cookies Michelle)....

Also to Rez for the music (but the continous playing of Jedward was a little off putting, 15 times by my count?)..........

I thought Justins tent went up pretty quick unlike some peoples. I'm looking at you Gritz(fecking 10 man tent for 1).
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Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
I can't believe the work wasn't acknowledged more.

The problem is most people didn't know it was scratch built. If they knew what they were looking at they'd appreciate it more I think. Maybe he built it too well and people thought it was factory built!


Club Member
Club Member
January 10, 2008
I thought Justins tent went up pretty quick unlike some peoples. I'm looking at you Gritz(fecking 10 man tent for 1).

:) you could have stayed too beag, you missed some nite...

What a great weekend! huge thanks have to go to Mac & Michelle for letting us stay over and its great to see the club taking a good share of the trophies home.

this show gets better every year and with the club getting together after the run its a weekend not to be missed IMHO!

Great people , Great cars, tents that are either hard to put up / take down , talk of shaved chickens and a "buy a car get a free wife" deal on a certain beetle and lots more :)

Mac, my offer for the chickens still stands, bring them to fermoy ;)


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling


Tried to put them in the gallery, no joy though, what a cracking weekend, thanks to everyone for a great time, again a special thanks to mac and michele for putting up with us, and to the number 1 DJ for spinning the tunes

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