Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Cork Motorfest


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
I'll see you at 10, i'll be in the daily, the clutch packed up today on the way back from limerick, it's fooked, need to go shopping for new parts


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006


Club Member
Club Member
Decided to take the daily as I was hoping to pick up some of those big plastic boxes with lids , I saw some guy selling at the Limerick show but no joy , anyway got there about 1.30 and as I was walking in Justin you were driving out not a good start and was there 10 mins and Wayne Mc left , was good to meet up with the lads that were there , aircooled were in low numbers pitty , some nice stuff and the drifting was good to watch !thanks to the Dollery's for Tea and shelter - and congrads and the Prize ! Well done .


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
Sorry i missed it. Not back on the road yet. Love the pv. The celica was there last year also, gorgeous car.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Decided to take the daily as I was hoping to pick up some of those big plastic boxes with lids , I saw some guy selling at the Limerick show but no joy , anyway got there about 1.30 and as I was walking in Justin you were driving out not a good start and was there 10 mins and Wayne Mc left , was good to meet up with the lads that were there , aircooled were in low numbers pitty , some nice stuff and the drifting was good to watch !thanks to the Dollery's for Tea and shelter - and congrads and the Prize ! Well done .

Sorry Mac, I had my 4-year-old daughter with me and she had reached her limit by 12:30. :D