Message from Bernie this evening.
Hi Deckie,
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone for coming downtoday*it was soo good having you here! I'm sorry I didn't get to spend much time with you all but I hope you enjoyed the day!
Also can you please send on an extra big thank you for the very generous donation. Eircooled already do so so much for barretstown but this was just the icing on the cake. To put it into camp terms each activity gets a yearly budget to run their programme so an activity like photo would have a budget of about €300 and drama would have a budget of €200. To buy 10 harnesses and 5helmets for the climbing activity costs €580 and we recently bought a canoe for €600.
Your donation will either run a couple of activities for a whole year or have a huge impact on the safety and running of some of the more high risk activities!! I seriously can't thank you enough!
On another note could you apologise to Hugh for me not giving him that ice cream I promised!* I will make it up to him on his next visit, I'll have it ready at reception!!

I hope you all got home safely and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
With extreme thanks,
Bernie and everyone at barretstown.
> --*
Bernie Agnew
Assistant Camp Director – Programme