I really like that van Tim,I think it's doe exempt if its on zv plates but i could be wrong.if it is an 81 van or earlier then it is exempt.
That's fannytastic.
One owner '66 Fastback...
that looks like its worth a look.
I emailed about that late last night, just a few minutes after the ad went up. No reply.. forgot about it today..
Could be an easy €500, unless it was painted with a brush (purple often is...)
Its fuckin' purple - what more reason would you need?!!?That's what doesn't add up - respray and then sell a year later for €1150?
Back up again. Looks OK in the pics.. I can check it out if anybody is interested?
Was inquiring bout it the other week,owner went cold. Trying to find out if it's running or if I would need a trailer to transport it,looks well in the pics though.anyone know anything about it?