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[For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal


Club Member
Club Member
October 13, 2008
It was first to the door with cash which was fair as per all ads. When I called last night Chris said he had lots of offers but told me to get there if I wanted it. Chris' Bus came in with the POS and I originally met him then.
I'm heading back with a trailer today and I can't wait.

Congrats on the purchase. Was even considering it in the pub myself last night.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
It was first to the door with cash which was fair as per all ads. When I called last night Chris said he had lots of offers but told me to get there if I wanted it. Chris' Bus came in with the POS and I originally met him then.
I'm heading back with a trailer today and I can't wait.

Ahh, just spotted this. Nice one. :D


Eircooled Club Chairman
Club Member
March 21, 2012
Dublin 22
ah yea.... coxy getting first refusal again.
at least now you have your bus coxy we might be able to get in on the act....:)

good luck with it..ye bollox :)


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
It was first to the door with cash which was fair as per all ads. When I called last night Chris said he had lots of offers but told me to get there if I wanted it. Chris' Bus came in with the POS and I originally met him then.
I'm heading back with a trailer today and I can't wait.

Congrats on the purchase, that's a beauty of a bus as you know .... the photos i posted above were taken by you that day at the docks


Club Member
Club Member
October 13, 2008
Congrats on the purchase, that's a beauty of a bus as you know .... the photos i posted above were taken by you that day at the docks

Did he ever think that day that 2 years later he wouldn't own the POS and would own that bus :)


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
It was first to the door with cash which was fair as per all ads. When I called last night Chris said he had lots of offers but told me to get there if I wanted it. Chris' Bus came in with the POS and I originally met him then.
I'm heading back with a trailer today and I can't wait.

Well well well, I thought there would be loads of people giving out about buying and flipping this Bus when others wanted to buy it etc but nothing. Not a peep out of Eircooled :D

Obviously I didn't buy it and had no intention of buying it either but when I saw the flurry of activity I thought I'd stir it up a bit...........that didn't happen. Nobody took a bite! What can I say, it was a queit Sunday.........although the few PMs I got asking for it at €7k were interesting :D

Any idea who really got the Bus? Whoever it was they really got a bargain.


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
I offered more than asking price, and would take it on the photos, and was heading out the door , 5 minutes ago I got a text............my price was matched, camper sold

That wasn't very fair. Sounds like you had the deal done. How does matching what you offered secure a deal?

I totallt agree. That was lousy doing that to Tim and anyone else he 'agreed' a price with. What if he had left? If he rocked up at Chris' door with cash and there was no Bus...........roll on a Joe from Blessington moment I'd say only this one would be justified :D


Club Member
Club Member
August 9, 2010
I totallt agree. That was lousy doing that to Tim and anyone else he 'agreed' a price with. What if he had left? If he rocked up at Chris' door with cash and there was no Bus...........roll on a Joe from Blessington moment I'd say only this one would be justified :D

Just to set the record straight it was my bus and nothing was agreed with any caller, I was honest with everyone who I spoke with and I will admit the offer(s.....up to €8k) were tempting but I stated it was only something I would consider but nothing was agreed with any caller. I sold the bus at what it cost me and was not selling to make a quick buck but to send it to a good home as it deserved a good home which I am not in a position to do right now.

It is going to a good home and I am delighted, the process was difficult for me as I love campers and waiting a week after making the difficult decision to sell would have probably meant I would keep it for years without the means to to enjoy it as it should and would have rusted away.


Club Member
Club Member
March 11, 2007
It wasn,t my intention to give the impression any deal was done, sorry if it came across that way. Can well imagine how tough it was to let that bus go, it was a beauty.

I was leaving my house, with 7k in my pocket, on my own accord. In the hope that I would get ahead of the posse, with a chance to own it. I had a call with chris, but no arrangement was made for me to call, as Chris told me he had other viewings before I would get there. Even though I offered him more than the asking, he wanted to let others view it first, as they had arranged to do so.

So he was extremely fair in the process, and can be accused of nothing else.:D
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Eircooled Club Chairman
Club Member
March 21, 2012
Dublin 22
It's just a pity that you didn't advertise it on here first before goin on donedeal,that would have guaranteed it went to a good home.any how the new owner might join the club and we might get to see the future progress on this cool van.


Father Eircooled! , Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
November 2, 2006
Just to set the record straight it was my bus and nothing was agreed with any caller, I was honest with everyone who I spoke with and I will admit the offer(s.....up to €8k) were tempting but I stated it was only something I would consider but nothing was agreed with any caller. I sold the bus at what it cost me and was not selling to make a quick buck but to send it to a good home as it deserved a good home which I am not in a position to do right now.

It is going to a good home and I am delighted, the process was difficult for me as I love campers and waiting a week after making the difficult decision to sell would have probably meant I would keep it for years without the means to to enjoy it as it should and would have rusted away.

So sorry that you had to sell it on Krissovo but I totally understand. It is an honest bus and well described.