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[For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal


Club Member
Club Member
January 5, 2009
you only have to read where the work was done to realise why it cost so much
you know what they say about fools and there money .

yes, but if you were new to the scene and didn't know any better, you could get fooled into thinking you were going to the right place
as they are "experts".


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Neat, never seen a three-seater like that before




similar year and condition as my red one when I got it. It's overpriced by a factor of three IMO...

it`s gotta be worth more than 300, the bolt on panels all look good, you could part it out for not a whole lot less than the asking price if the panels are good as they look. it would make a nice rat too. same colour as my 77 bug i think


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
maybe on further inspection you might find the gutters not to be rotten, the sills not to be rotten, the front chassis legs and battery tray, the spare wheel well, the front and rear valances etc all to be solid maybe then it'll be worth more.

On first glance it looks to be in similar condition to mine and I gave €500 for it. Then I replaced all the suspension, brakes, engine, box, wheels, tyres, exhaust, lamps, bumper, windscreen, 1x wing, 1x door, lots of welding etc etc. I'm into it for well over two grand and it still looks like a bag of shite. Add a paint job and you could double that or more.

I still think it's only worth €300 or so. If it was pre '80 then maybe more but unless it's very nice underneath and mechanically sound with lowish mileage it's not worth €1100