Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] splitscreen rear lights, beetle manual

    two rear lights of a 1967 splitscreen van. 20 euro two beetle manual/instruction books 20 euro an old LEMANS bumper badge. not great condition. 10 euro brand new bonnet for 6 volt beetle 150 euro
  2. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] fastback parts wanted...

    looking for parts to put the green fasty back on the road... as you can see there is a fair amount of rust, but it is repairable. what were lookin for is.... a pair of doors, or lower door repair panels a pair of early bumpers a pair of door sills a windscreen left hand rear lens...
  3. stump

    [For Sale: Car] 1980 t25 for sale

    1980 volkswagen t25. 2 litre air cooled petrol engine. full camper conversion. suitable for parts or restoration. 600 euro.
  4. stump

    [For Sale: Car] gt beetle for parts..

    gt beetle .. rebuilt 1600 engine 300 euro gt beetle gearbox 200 euro gt beetle front end full beam with discs 200 five gt beetle wheels 100 or take the whole thing for 600 euro......
  5. stump

    [For Sale: Car] 1980 vw t25 camper.

    1980 t25 camper. 2 litre air cooled. needs a good tidy up. nice winter project! whats it worth??? make me an offer!
  6. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] wanted 1303 rear lights .... bulb holders

    anyone got a pair of bulb holders from a set of 1303 rear lights?? the pressed steel "plate" that holds the 3 bulbs is the bit im looking for
  7. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] FIVE STUD drums and discs..

    anyone looking for 5 stud porsche pattern drums or discs??? i can machine your 4 stud discs/drums , and drill them for 5 stud porsche. 5x 130mm. this means you can bolt up your porsche wheel or your vw 4 stud. so you can run a 4 stud spare wheel. no problem. the cost is 50 euro for...
  8. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] universal seat runners wanted

    hi guys ... im looking for a set of those universal seat runners to fit two seats into my beetle. anyone got anything ??? cheers, stump.
  9. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] loads of beetle parts for sale....

    garage clearout... 6 volt bonnet .. brand new, sprayed orange, and then realised it was the wrong type!!! price 240 euro. 12 volt bonnet with vent 60 euro 12 bonnet with no vent 60 euro engine lids with vents/ without vents 50 euro each two rear wings sprayed green 80 euro for the pair.
  10. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] beige beetle seats.. full set

    full set of beige beetle seats.... front and back. runner type front seats.. in good condition. came out of a 1971 beetle. the connecting rod to tilt the seat forward is disconnected from the clip, but i dont think it would take much to sort it.. 250 euro for the full set.
  11. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] gt beetle wheels

    five gt beetle wheels for sale. in good condition, of a 1973 gt beetle. good all round condition. price is 150 euro. paul.0862618777