Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] bay window headlight relay..

    anyone got one of these? 1971 Bay Window Headlight Relay..... Just kampers haven't got them.. Volksbits have them,but dont do "international deliveries" to Ireland........ Vw Garage told me they were discontinued in 1976!
  2. stump

    Bug Jam 2013

    any one planning on going to this.......? Friday the 19th.. Sat the 20th and Sunday the 21st..... priced Irish Ferries, Camper van with 3 people 464 euro return.
  3. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] chrome reversing lights

    Pair of reversing lights. Brand new from Just Kampers, cost 36.84 euro each, will accept 60 euro for the two. As new. Set of 14inch wheel trims. NOS German . 50 euro / set of four.
  4. stump

    [For Sale: Car] 1986 vw Karmann Gypsy..

    LHD Karmann Gypsy with 2.1 litre wasser boxer petrol. (2.1 litre watercooled flat four with fuel injection) 5 speed gearbox 25000 km on new long block which was replaced about 5 years ago.... 4 berth , cooker ,sink, toilet and shower. 179000 km on the clock. 98 euro tax per year. good...
  5. stump

    Kilbroney park vintage show sat 15 june 2013

    Anyone going to this?? Its on in Rostrevor, Co.Down just outside Newry. http://www.whatsonni.com/event/16585-kilbroney-vintage-show/kilbroney-park maybe we can organise a convoy from Dundalk???
  6. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] wheel trims/lights/steering wheel etc

    brand new 14 inch wheel trims. german NOS. 50 euro for set of 4. listed on the samba @ 200 dollars per set. four 14 inch wheel trims 20 euro. seventies baby.......! four new bay window marker lens'. 2 yellow/ 2 red. 25 euro for four. still in the wrappers.... 14 inch...
  7. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] Python SS exhaust wheels

    PYTHON SUPER COMPETITION STAINLESS STEEL EXHAUST for sale. For use with heat exchangers. Brand New in the box. cost 750 euro, will take 600. Set of steel wheels; need blasting and painting or powder coating. price 150 euro. I can deliver these to Limerick on sunday if it suits. Paul.
  8. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] beetle fresh air box fan

    i'm looking for an electric fan from a fresh air box for my beetle.. anyone got one? If you have the switch from the dash i would take that too. thanks guys.
  9. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] Polished EMPI 8 spokes

    (four) EMPI 8 spoke alloys. Great condition, NO kerb damage. Complete with FULDA 185/65 15 tyres. Plenty of thread on the tires. Wheels new are 100 sterling each. Tyres new are 75 euro each. looking for 359 euro for the lot. Located in Dundalk, can be viewed in Kilcock on Saturday.
  10. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] Engine Lid with popes nose.

    Genuine vw engine lid complete with popes nose. Has been fitted (and drilled) with quick release clips. Good condition. This is a genuine lid, NOT a pattern Part. i can take it to Kilcock on saturday...... 75 euro.
  11. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] 2 early bay? seats + Bump Stops?

    i have two seats here; i think they are early bay?? poor condition and not complete. might suit a rat look or may be suitable for parts.30 yoyo. also have what i think are two sets of rear suspension travel stops/ limiters. As far as i know you fit them to the rear suspension if you are...
  12. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] Caddy tailgate

    anyone got one of these ?? vw CADDY rear tailgate..... cheers, Paul T.
  13. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] robbie williams ticket

    i know its last minute, but i have one seated ticket for Robbies show in the 02 tonight. block B, row 24 with entry through the Audi Club. 50 euro, first come first served! paul.
  14. stump

    [For Sale: Car] AIR RIDE BEETLE for sale..

    air up air down something else has come up on the scene, so i have to thin out the fleet..... LEFT HAND DRIVE 1300 BEETLE. 1971 AIR RIDE IN THE FRONT(375 EURO) NEW CHROME M.W.S. FUCHS WITH NEW SMART CAR TYRES ON FRONT.(800 EURO) DROPPED SPINDLES, LOWERED BALL JOINTS, NARROWED...
  15. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] Bonnets.. Engine lid... Wheels...

    bonnet 20 euro5 gt beetle wheels with crap Tyres 50 euro 2 rear wings 30 euro2 front wings 30 eurobonnet 20 euroengine lid 20 euro HEADING FOR LIMERICK SHOW ON SUNDAY MORNING SO I CAN TAKE THEM WITH ME IF YOU LIKE...........ALL LOADED UP AND READY TO ROLL.:thumbsup:
  16. stump

    [Wanted: Parts] beetle rear seat/ door card

    I'm looking for half a rear seat for a 1971 beetle. the lower part that you sit on, thats the bit I'm after. oh and a passenger side front door card ... both in black please... thanks guys....
  17. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] 4 gt beetle wheels

    FOR SALE.. 4 gt beetle wheels. Anyone interested at 60 euro??
  18. stump

    [For Sale: Car] irelands lowest beetle for sale.

    Here it is ........ The lowest beetle in ireland. Highest offer takes it away.......
  19. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] beetle AIR RIDE kit.....

    COMPLETE VW BEETLE FRONT SUSPENSION AIRRIDE KIT. This kit allows you to raise and lower the FRONT of your beetle or ghia at the touch of a button. The kit comes complete with 2 shocks, compressor unit, air hoses with connections, and all electrical cables and connectors. Fitting of this kit...
  20. stump

    [For Sale: Parts] BEETLE SHELL for parts

    arrived home with this today. not sure what year it is. early bonnet, early bumpers, different rear valance, different door handles, early steering wheel and window cranks and plenty of rust. The doors are poor, and the heater channels are back in the field. They fell out when we lifted it...