Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

2011 AGM 2nd January

ringo <3 maxine

Club Member
Club Member
September 28, 2010
had a great time last night, wasn't the only lady there, lovely to meet some more of the vw wags! should start our own little club hahaha!
the social scene is great(which is good for me as I am not a vw owner here thru himself of 7mths hahaha, I am here as I like it too may I add) :p especially the trip to the garage for food, how'd the pot noodles go lads what would ya have done without us lovely ladies. you certainly werent getting any crisps from the bar!
Looking forwrd to seeing you's over the next year.



Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
I got another great VW off of Duts, even better than I thought it was.

Thanks Britt, deflect from me not havin a roadworthy vw yet!! Coxy please leave it off will ya mac really went ta town at the agm. cut me deep!!!


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Thanks Britt, deflect from me not havin a roadworthy vw yet!! Coxy please leave it off will ya mac really went ta town at the agm. cut me deep!!!

Roadworthy? You don't have any VWs apart from some VW related scrap in a hedge. You're like a fatherless man hanging around outside a creche. We tried to kick start things for you but you didn't do anything on that so it's fair game in my book!...................only joking Duts, I heard you were a great sport on Sunday and gave as good as you got! Good on ya, and I wouldn't worry about having a VW or not - Mac has a shiny head, I shit myself, Britt doubles as Santa and you have no car! Simplez :D


Club Member
Club Member
January 31, 2010
Cheers cathal that means alot!!! sniff sniff.. as for the fatherless man thing thats just creepy?