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Wtd -Type 3 fastback parts


Club Member
Club Member
Hi Lads ,:helpme:Started the next long line of projects -this ones a early 70's fast back -in need of some serious TLC ,with what started with a solid project has turned into a bit of a nightmare with regards panels:mad:-there are non existant or very hard to come by so if anyone know where one might be or one thats been broken I'd appreciate the heads up -
whats good -
bonnet ,doors,boot lid,roof,floor ,glass and engine when i say good I mean thats the serious TLC bit as for the rest of it -there not :at: the races -front/rear quarters ,front bulk head ,inner arches, door pillars,window surrounds ,bumpers ,wheels,all seals ,break lines ,and carbs are all shot -makes you wonder WTF you'd even start such a nightmare but she's original Irish and was on the scene awhile back now ,it's an old CamVolks car owned by George Campbell :cool:,so there's alot of sentimental value ,any help at all guys much appreciated.(y)
I've even tried using all the smiles I can if that helps:looool::looool:


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
D'ya remember I told you I was talking to the boy on Sunday about the thing and he said he can sort us out. If he doesn't have them then he knows anther boy who knows a boy who's friend definitely has them. So, we need to get a loooooooong list of yokes for the man in the place with the bits and we're good to go! SIMPLEZ :unsure:
BTW, most of the bumpers are sheeeeeeyite!


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Have Ben on the hunt -the Camvolks -maybe Coxy can add to this ,I'm at a loss truth be told!

Camvolks was owned and run by the late George Campbell in Clane Co. Kildare. He was a great guy and was the life and soul of every VW event. He was 60 when he died but he had more energy than I did and I was 20 at the time. He would always get to the shows the day before and everyone would camp up and drink til the wee hours listening to and laughing at his stories . He set up Camvolks selling Autocavan and all the VW bits of the day and was fantastic to call to because you would be there for hours without even knowing. I remember ringing him to ask about dropping my 1st engine and we had a portable phone in the house (we were fierce posh) at the time so he talked me through it - I got my hole opened when my mother got the phone bill :dead:
Anyway, the Fasty Mac is talking about was George's and wa a low mileage Tipp reg car. When he died our friend Larry Hannon bought it and used it for a number of years but due to a change in circumstances parked it for 10years in Knightly's place. A few months ago Larry got the itch to get it going again and it was hauled out of there to the 'clubhouse'. As you can see form James's description, it needs work but it's deffo worth saving.
George also had a lovely 1300s Beetle (73-KE-1) and an early 60's Beetle called Liza Jane (FNI-205) both of which I have been trying to find and buy for many years more out of sentimental reasons than anything else. They were sold off by his family but I could not afford to buy them then. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it.

Liza Jane:

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AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
D'ya remember I told you I was talking to the boy on Sunday about the thing and he said he can sort us out. If he doesn't have them then he knows anther boy who knows a boy who's friend definitely has them. So, we need to get a loooooooong list of yokes for the man in the place with the bits and we're good to go! SIMPLEZ :unsure:

Jaysus are you in a pedo ring?
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Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2009
That's a blast from the past - I bought a set of 6 volt wings from George when Emilio was working on a car for me waaaay back in 1989 - he used to supply Emilio with panels etc. George used to load up his car with parts up the north and bring them back down - he had the customs staff around his little finger. He was a real character - I've always wanted a 1300S and his was probably the inspiration for that. It was either parked or moving fast - I don't think that George knew how to drive slowly


Eircooled Club Member
Club Member
April 20, 2007
Yeah, he'd a-frame the 63 Beetle behind the 1300s going to shows but being an ex truck driver he didn't take any notice of the 63 behind him and would fly along. I was in the car on a run in Wexford and he just gunned it from the minute we headed off. Not driving the life out of the engine just a bloody good driver who knew how to get the most from his car. That 1300s only had 4,000kms when he bought it. It was being driven by a Belgian junior doctor who was training in Ireland. He was given the car by his father to use whilst in Ireland but he had to bring it home as the father had bought it new or near enough to new. George saw the car one day and knew he had to have it and offered the now broke trainee doctor some dosh and the 1300s was his. I believe the father went ballistic when he found out the car was sold! It didn't stay at 4k kms for long as George believed they were made to be driven.

British Leyland Man

Well-known member
June 28, 2009
A late friend of mine broke and early fastback and I know there were one or two panels still about although what they were or what condition they're in now I can't be sure. I can find out if you're interested, I know its a bit far away! I'm pretty sure there was a bonnet there anyway


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
I was in Carlow the other day and I passed a house which I think had a fastback in a field beside it (along with many old cars). It may be rotten (or not even be a fasty) but it may be worth having a look to see if the owner wants rid? Maybe someone from Carlow could have a look for you? I was working at the time so only caught a glimpse and couldn't stop.
When heading from Kilkenny you come to a roundabout just as you're entering to motorway (right beside a landfill site). If you take the first exit and head into Carlow the old way its about 2 houses down on your right.
Might or might not be useful.


Club Member
February 3, 2009
I was in Carlow the other day and I passed a house which I think had a fastback in a field beside it (along with many old cars). It may be rotten (or not even be a fasty) but it may be worth having a look to see if the owner wants rid? Maybe someone from Carlow could have a look for you? I was working at the time so only caught a glimpse and couldn't stop.
When heading from Kilkenny you come to a roundabout just as you're entering to motorway (right beside a landfill site). If you take the first exit and head into Carlow the old way its about 2 houses down on your right.
Might or might not be useful.

I'll be in Carlow on Friday I can check this out.