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WTD- Red wall tyre (inserts)


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Just wondering if anyone has some they dont want (for sale) and has anyone got any advice on buying (the samba/ebay) ,do they stick on or are they put on the rim before inflating ?:D

Lazy Dog

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October 14, 2008
Maghermore, Wicklow.
The white ones are put on the rim before inflating so I assume these would be the same..........?! The white ones I had on a van perished fairly quickly, don't know where they came from so maybe there are different quality ones available............


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
I have a set on the Derby alright.


You deflate the tyre (don't break the bead) and you push the tyre wall out of the way a bit while you squeeze the insert into the space between the tyre wall and the rim. You get about an inch done at a time, working your way around and around and around until the trim is seated properly all the way around. You need to go around a few times to make sure it's all home and then inflate the tyre. I had one of the trims pull out on a particularly high-speed motorway run on the way back from Tipperary Racecourse. It was the first day out with them on so I'm not sure it was seated 100% but once home I deflated the tyre and re-seated it. I've been paranoid about them since but it seems if you can keep the speed under warp factor 7 they'll stay put. I've been driving the car to work and around and about the last few weeks and they're fine.

Obviously they come to suit different diamater wheels so make sure you get the ones to suit your wheels. I got mine second-hand but unused. You can get them as a set from SSP for about £40ish.

one thing though, all the guys I've spoken to about whitewall flaps say that they eat the sidewalls of the tyres. Now whitewalls are quite soft where the redbands are quite rigid. Only for the tyres on my derby are low-profile and the trim doesn't rub the sidewall that hard I'd be worried (I've been watching for that too). The guys I'd spoken to all had full height bubbles on their vans and the sidewalls were being eroded by the trims. Some people recommend lubricating between the trim and the tyre wth vaseline but it splatters and looks bad. Just bear that in mind.


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Arrived today in the post my lovely set of red walls -so this evening I said I have a crack at one -long story short cant get it to stay seated it fits like a glove and is nice and close to the tyre but when I apply over 20lbs of pressure it sorta buckles then peels it's way out ......Any help anyone ? can these mo fo be glued and if so with what type of glue I presume some sort of rubber /flexi glue .??? thanks guys .


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois
you need to have the tyre mounted and seated properly but deflated. Once you have that sorted (I presume you do?) then shove the ring between the tyre and the rim. There's a little ridge on the outside of the trim and you need to push it down so that is right by the rim, it feels like you're pushing it in too far. Then inflate the tyre, it shouldn't come out. Have you used any lube to seat the tyre? If so, clean it all out and fit the trims dry.


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June 12, 2008
Is it just me or can anyone else see a face in the passengers side headrest of the silver ghia in the last pic?


Club Member
Club Member
November 16, 2006
Portmarnock "Way way out"
is it just me or can anyone else see a face in the passengers side headrest of the silver ghia in the last pic?
jeez, i was thinking exactly the same thing! LOL. At first glance i thought it was someone in d back seat. Not even sure if ghias have backseats, lol .