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wanted lhd chassis


Club Member
Club Member
April 17, 2011
as it says im looking to buy a lhd beetle chassis, preferably a complete rolling chassis, with engine and gearbox would be nice but not essential, complete car considered , no rot boxes please , no 1303 or 1302 , anything else considered , thanks for reading..


Well-known member
March 1, 2007
i have a beetle 1200 LHD chassis with the complete LHD beam there (tho its currently unbolted from the chassis), gearbox, pedals etc all there - by the looks of it itd need pan halves - tho I cant remember any actual holed rust n (from memory) theres a 'tin opener' style hack on the r/h side of the tunnel opposite the pedals.
I got it without a book tho I spose its a possiblity one 'could be got' as I originally got the pan off a member on here...