Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Here Comes the Sun - Shankill Castle Kilkenny - Sunday 13th April 2025


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009

Here Comes the Sun returns for the fourth year in a row on Sunday April 13th.​

Again this year it will be held in the beautiful surroundings of Shankill Castle, Paulstown, Kilkenny.
Even though its a Cars 'n Coffee style event, the Castle owners open up a section just for us.
As a result I need to take an entrance fee to ensure it is worthwhile financially for them to open for us.
(I personally don't make anything from the event)
The cost is €8 (cash only please) per person which includes:
Selected cake
Event sticker
Access to the Castle grounds

We need to use the side entrance which is 1/2 a KM up the road from the main entrance (follow these co-ordinates)
52.686309, -7.013344
Gates will open around 10:30. Coffee served from 11:00

Space for regular cars is limited inside so anyone bringing trailers should leave them at the school car park just opposite the main entrance.

At last years event i had a load of people asking if there was nearby camping the night before.
This year I have reached out to "The Pint Depot" bar (search Royal Oak, Bagenalstown) which is situated 2 mins from Shankill Castle .
The Management there are delighted to welcome Campervans without charge in their car park on the Saturday night (there's also a small enclosed green area beside the carpark for tents) so I would encourage anyone staying just to buy a few pints if staying. Unfortunately, their kitchen isn't open but there are takeaways in Bagenalstown.

All that's left to ask is for everyone to pray to your gods, fake or otherwise, complete naked rituals or human sacrifices, listen to Led Zeppelin backwards or anything else that ensures we get a decent day that doesn't rain. :cool:
Hope to see you there!