Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Dubshed 2015



Heading up to this in the Gypsy, the kind folk at vw heritage provided me with 2 sets of tickets for the Saturday & Sunday, I was planning on a-framing the beetle as well but I am just wondering if it would be possible to stay on the show grounds for the Saturday night as I don't fancy having to hook everything back up and move out of there for the evening and go through it all again the following day. I haven't registered the beetle for the indoor arena so I was planning on having both the beetle and bus side by side at the show. If it's not possible to stay there I'm planning on staying at the Jordanstown Loughshore Caravan Park, only a few miles away from the hall. Could anyone confirm if you are allowed stay on the show grounds.

Hi Keith

I got alerted to this question by Andy from VW Heritage, congratulations on your win.(y)

Unfortunately we do not have camping availability and it is not permitted to stay in the grounds overnight. I can however put the beetle into the aircooled hall for you overnight or possibly for the whole show once we see how much space we have left in the indoor hall. Hope this helps




Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Best asking on the GTI forum Keith. I can vouch for the Loughshore campsite as I work in council that looks after it. V Secure site. Pre book is essential as its popular. Hope you get sorted.

Thanks Jonny, campsite looks great so I think that's were I'll head for.


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Hi Keith

I got alerted to this question by Andy from VW Heritage, congratulations on your win.(y)

Unfortunately we do not have camping availability and it is not permitted to stay in the grounds overnight. I can however put the beetle into the aircooled hall for you overnight or possibly for the whole show once we see how much space we have left in the indoor hall. Hope this helps



Hi John,

Your a legend, that would be greatly appreciated. I 'll bring the beetle along with me now. Really looking forward to the show.
I'll pm you later on for your contact details if that's ok, so I can touch base with you on Saturday.
Thanks again.



Club Member
Club Member
December 15, 2012
Castlederg. NW
Ah, the ole Loughshore at Jordanstown. A great site, immaculate and clean, with great views over the lough, café, walks, etc. Used to stay there lots when we lived that way. If you want a good breakfast before the show or meal the night before- try Sozo's in Jordanstown village - 2 minutes walk away. Or take the train into the city - bout 10 minutes from Jordanstown halt. Enjoy


Hi John,

Your a legend, that would be greatly appreciated. I 'll bring the beetle along with me now. Really looking forward to the show.
I'll pm you later on for your contact details if that's ok, so I can touch base with you on Saturday.
Thanks again.


PM heading your way Keith


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Ah, the ole Loughshore at Jordanstown. A great site, immaculate and clean, with great views over the lough, café, walks, etc. Used to stay there lots when we lived that way. If you want a good breakfast before the show or meal the night before- try Sozo's in Jordanstown village - 2 minutes walk away. Or take the train into the city - bout 10 minutes from Jordanstown halt. Enjoy

Thanks a lot for the info Pete, I'll look into Sozo's, heard good things about it, thanks again.


Looking forward to seeing the aircooled display at the show. For me the aircooled hall is where it's at. I'm still a watercooled owner but intend to rectify that at some stage;)
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Club Member
Club Member
September 10, 2007
Not long to go folks, don't forget, a certain car will be making its debut. :D

After a very long winter, the car has had a complete nut and bolt re vamp, gone is the tired red paint, in with the new scheme, some have seen the odd snap shots, but not the whole picture, really exciting to see Daves new car out and a bunch of us racers supporting gtini for their first drag event (stay tuned for that one) i'll be heading down in the oval after a winter rebuild, although the clutch is buggered :mad: so I'm hoping it will make the journey to Belfast ok, pop in and see us and safe travels to all that are coming :)

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Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Best of luck to all attending, I'm out unfortunately, work gets in the way again...gahhh...can't wait to catch a glimpse of all the racers lined up together...


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Just in the door, bolloxed, up at 6 on the road for 7.30, hit Lusk service station around 11, Belfast about 2 ish, depending how bloody windy it is. Zzzzz


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
I could be in trouble here, up since 6, a frame on the beetle, went to start up the gypsy and you guessed it, won't start, turning over not firing, bolloxed, stripped out the interior to get to the engine, can't see anything amiss, checked cables etc, had it running on Thursday no issues, time for a cup of tea and a rethink, even went and got fresh petrol,


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Sorted thanks lads, I'd go into it in more detail, but it was very technical, ����

Haven't a clue what was wrong with it lol
But she's running now.


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
Give us the details - might just save someone similar hassle.
You're with friends here. We won't judge...