Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Drive-in cinema, Movie Junction.


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Could some kind soul please put up the average height from ground to roof for a split screen, and a bay, i know they all vary depending on pop ups etc etc, but what is the max headroom i would need to squeeze a camper into a garage.


Club Member
Club Member
October 13, 2008
Could some kind soul please put up the average height from ground to roof for a split screen, and a bay, i know they all vary depending on pop ups etc etc, but what is the max headroom i would need to squeeze a camper into a garage.

You building a drive-in cinema or what?


Club Member
Club Member
June 12, 2008
Could some kind soul please put up the average height from ground to roof for a split screen, and a bay, i know they all vary depending on pop ups etc etc, but what is the max headroom i would need to squeeze a camper into a garage.

Think my garage is about 2.1 and a westy bay will go in no problem.


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford
Could some kind soul please put up the average height from ground to roof for a split screen, and a bay, i know they all vary depending on pop ups etc etc, but what is the max headroom i would need to squeeze a camper into a garage.

You'll need 1.9m clear ope for a stock height tin-top split (excl roof rack, pop-top etc), might even have an inch to spare.


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
Thanks a million lads, appreciate it. Lads are starting the blockwork next week, so i want to make sure i have enough headroom inside and door height is more than enough.


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
2 quid off if you have a Fota card.

Thanks for that, lads it was brilliant, choose your spot, parking spots are on an incline so you are not overlooking any other cars, their is a canopy over your car so the rain is not on your windscreen, the screen is a giant of a thing, they had no heaters as all broken, so every now and then you need to turn on the car heater to demist the screen, not so bad if you keep the window slightly open, but you get a chill on your arse lol, so bring a blanket. Plus you have the sound through your own car radio which you keep on full volume to drown out the noise. Seriously it was great, recline the seat, stretch the legs radio on and enjoy, back on the road home as soon as it was over, the place is still under developement i'd say and it doesn't look as if you would have the height to park a van under the canopy, might be wrong though. Not sure if they would have to park up at the back to view it,
But it was a brilliant night and made a great change