Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Cork monthly meet up and spin.


Club Member
Club Member
June 2, 2009
cork city
my baby refused point blank to come out of its heated container this morning to cold and to wet

will have to come down in a water cooled yoke


Club Member
Club Member
September 12, 2009
Just Chilling
It was wet, windy & cold but we still managed to have a bit of a laugh,
6 of us turned up, only 2 were brave enough though to venture out in their pride & joys,
Good to catch up with everyone today, and also meet a new face.
Broz (Dermot) turned up in his beautiful Golf, a really great looking car, interior was immaculate,
running a close 2nd to the busses, lol

Damien, Justin& Kieran also showed up but special mention goes to Tony, even though he has been under the weather for the last while he made the effort and braved the elements. Need to try and meet up a bit more often from now on.
Not a lot of photos, could have taken a couple of pics of a few puddles but thought better of it. :p


Club Member
Club Member
June 8, 2011
Thanks Keith. Golf is straight but 26 years of lichens and grime on the bus is something that can't be faked. You can never wash it, pure class.
ill have a look for the Z tomorrow in the shed after the rugby.


Club Member
Club Member
June 2, 2009
cork city
it was great to get out and about and see all the lovelly faces and the chat
when is the next meet

ps i loved the rear reg plate on the van real art


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
it was great to get out and about and see all the lovelly faces and the chat
when is the next meet

ps i loved the rear reg plate on the van real art

Tony, the van itself is art! Good to see ye all out and about, but jaysus, it was freezing. Must do it again pretty soon tho.