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Cannonball Run Ireland


Club Member
Club Member
May 15, 2009
mary is out due to the cannonball being run by a bunch of bullshit artists, who should have stayed at home rather than start something they did not have the brain power to run.
they tried to put it down to late payment, but my money was in their account before padraig put his cheque in the post....he has a cooler car, end of!
At the end of the day they were more than happy to let me take part last month when they didnt have alot of people and now that they have a waiting list they can fuck people around as much as they like.
weeks of hard work and then to get a phone call two days before the start to say they had to cut 30cars from the run.... its bullshit.
but thanks to all the guys who helped me out over the past couple of weeks getting everything sorted.
now back to plan A, anyone got two tickets for vanfest????
i cant let this weekend be a total loss.
that really sucks.

Kevin O'Brien

Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2008
That video says a lot about the organisation of the thing, crowds of people inches away from drivers revving the nuts off their 'supercars', God forbid one of them should lose control...

Also, they didn't have room for Seamus but they had room for such exotica as a Toyota Hilux, a Subaru Forrester and an E-Class Merc saloon...?

If you wanted to wipe out most of the 'developers' in Ireland in one fell swoop the Cannonball Run would be a very good opportunity...best warn Padraig first though.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
'Developers' - is that a new term of abuse? I like it. :D

'Get your finger out of that cat, ye filthy little developer'.

Kevin O'Brien

Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2008
They were saying on The Mooney Show on Radio 1 how they couldn't believe that in 90 odd cars doing the run only one car was piloted by a woman (Brenda Donoghue, from RTÉ, in a TT RS) and were wondering why more women hadn't entered it.

Not that I listen to The Mooney Show :box:


Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
They were saying on The Mooney Show on Radio 1 how they couldn't believe that in 90 odd cars doing the run only one car was piloted by a woman (Brenda Donoghue, from RTÉ, in a TT RS) and were wondering why more women hadn't entered it.

I think that says something about the idea that women all swoon towards the guys with the supercars. :ROFLMAO:

I'll stick with my classic bangers thank you very much.


Club Member
February 3, 2009
Got to say out of all them lovely supercars I'd have to have the Audi R8
Wasn't much room for the cars by the look


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
What a blast!

We left Galway late enough Thursday evening, meeting Mr.Browne (by way of Gritz) and Darragh on the way to collect some decals for the car.
Spent 'til about 1.30am putting on the decals then back up again at around 5ish to make it into Merrion Square for 7am.

That started three days of non-stop go, only just about coming back down to earth now.(y)

Loads of highlights, from chasing down a Gallardo on the Naas road to having the car rocked by the Mercedes SLR as it sped past on the Ennis bypass, to lighting the tyres up on Eyre Square - after getting encouraged to do so by a member of the Gardai...:D

Weather was fantastic, the organisation of the event was done very well, from hotels to food laid on at every stop. The atmosphere leaving Merrion Square was electric as the Gardai had all the side streets closed off down to the canals, with the side streets lined with bystanders. Same with Killarney when we arrived - we turned a corner and the streets were heaving with people :cooool:

Finished up on Sunday afternoon and I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed these last few days. Over 1000km travelled in the 356 at an average cruising speed of 85-90mph (great timing with the reclassification of new motorways...) and it didn't miss a beat once. Well, apart from having to push it through the toll stop in Fermoy for a rolling start...think I need to install a hot-start relay ;) :D

'Developer's' were at a minimum, didn't see Brenda Donoghue all weekend (Nuala Carey kept following me though...) and for the main a pretty sound bunch of genuine petrolheads who seemed to be into their cars rather than just showing face...and apparently nearly €200k raised for Barretstown kids charity. Roll on 2010...
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Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007
Nice pics Brosna, here's a few more...


The sound out of this was unreal, particulary through the Jack Lynch Tunnel...




The SLR owners were in awe, naturally...