this years "Spanner" awards have been finalised and are ready for two lucky (well, one lucky, one unlucky!) recipients come Sunday.
If anyone wants to look back over the Workshop and Arena areas of the forum and suggest suitable candidates for the best DIY project (doesn't have to be finished, incidentally, it can be on-going) and the biggest screw-up of the year, please PM your suggestions to me.
Just so you know, the "Silver Spanner" isn't an award for someone who paid a pro to do the work for them (nothing wrong with that: if you have the means, I highly recommend it), it's for the "have a go hero" who rolls up his sleeves, goes out to the freezing cold shed at night, puts in his own graft, learns as he goes along, improvises where necessary etc.
The "Busted Spanner" is open to anyone who not only made a bit of a boo-boo while maintaining their old veedub but were brave enough to tell the rest of us about it. I've been that soldier myself on more than one occasion (don't mention the plug leads incident(s) ) but sadly, I'm exempt from receiving my own award. Like the folks in the radio station can't win the cash prizes. Same thing...
so, suggestions by PM please![]()
Something along the lines of going to change the thermostat in a BMW and two weeks later I'm left waiting on a third box of parts to arrive, and in the meantime getting the wrong train home. Twice. In one day.
Something like that....but with a VW?