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[For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal


Club Member
Club Member
February 2, 2008
1974 Camper



What is an AIW reg? Northern Ireland?
Absolutely lovely bus.....


Club Member
Club Member
May 8, 2009

trev i have restored 2 of these for a local guy one was all red and later sold at auction in the uk for £4000 the other was pale blue and went for £3600.
they were built by dissabled miners from the scap metal left over from the austin car plant .
i had one as a kid did loads of body work to it and painted it loads of times ended up being sold wouldnt mind getting another but not at that kind of money .


trev i have restored 2 of these for a local guy one was all red and later sold at auction in the uk for £4000 the other was pale blue and went for £3600.
they were built by dissabled miners from the scap metal left over from the austin car plant .
i had one as a kid did loads of body work to it and painted it loads of times ended up being sold wouldnt mind getting another but not at that kind of money .

i thought austin badged up all there scrap metal and sold them as cars ?


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
trev i have restored 2 of these for a local guy one was all red and later sold at auction in the uk for £4000 the other was pale blue and went for £3600.
they were built by dissabled miners from the scap metal left over from the austin car plant .
i had one as a kid did loads of body work to it and painted it loads of times ended up being sold wouldnt mind getting another but not at that kind of money .
There was a blue one of them in the convent national school when i was going there about 35years ago! We were never allowed in it. Blue with red wheels & in perfect nick. Weighed a ton! Saw it a few times since down through the years attending various meetings & suchlike in the school. Often wondered how it got there & whatever happened to it. Heard the story of how they were manufactured by disabled miners alright in the past. They did have one recently on American Pickers. They bought it for 2000 dollars unrestored. Cool pedal car. From remembering the one i saw, i can believe that they'd be worth a small fortune - fantastic quality.


Club Member
Club Member
November 15, 2006
Rare me arse. That ad is full of bollocks. Can't understand how fuckin eejits think when they pull any old shite out of a barn that they've discovered a pot of gold. And get the description wrong too! Rubber bumper MGB & 2.4 MK2 Jaguar were shite back in the day & still are today. The BMW is a potential rotbox with flakey wheelarch extentions, stickers & what looks like a halfords glass sunroof. And a towbar, so you could take a guess at what kind of previous life it had prior to being locked up in a barn & suddenly becoming rare and impossible to find. Probably because they've all rotted.
Anyhoo - rant over.