Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

AGM Sunday 5th January 2014


Club Member
Club Member
October 20, 2010
but when calender comes up there an empty box for each date
i thought you would see event written without having to click on date...


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006


Club Member
Club Member
January 12, 2007
Marino, Dublin
My apologies for being a bit tardy in writing these but some work issues took over.

Brian called meeting to order after the hotel had sorted the problem with the overhead projector.
There were 18 members present.
Brian advised the meeting that Hugh Sheridan wished to step down as Chairman.This was due to some pending European legislation making people associated with Forums liable for any slanderous or racist comments posted on the site.Understandably,this might me be an issue for Hugh given his job at the moment.
However,Hugh(shuggie) was one of the original kitchen cabinet when Eircooled was spawned.

Discussion about events then took place which raised the issue of the lack of support for the monthly meets.The Kildare meet in particular was noted as being poorly supported.
Brian now lives in Mayo and is planning to get the N17 meets happening again.How to increase participation was mentioned but nobody could come with an idea to encourage people to attend the meets.

It was noted that membership was down and currently stood at 122 and that the membership list was recorded on Microsoft Access but needed to be tidied up.Brian admitted to not being familiar with access to do this.
There were no volunteers for the job.

The question was then asked,How do we improve the club?
Britt suggested that a 3 monthly Newsletter be produced which could be do online.Justin agreed to do this but would obviously need help from the members in produced articles to be included.
Club has 2 gazebos and we need to get the Eircooled logo printed on the sides.Banners are also required.
To assist in promoting all things Eircooled Jon White would be willing to include in all his parcels any information that we could provide him with. There was general agreement that this was an excellent idea.A goody bag, Information pack or even an Eircooled Sticker would be useful.Jon noted that 60% of his customers were not affiliated to Eircooled.

There was then some discussion about the need for a committee and it was felt that some sort of a committee was needed.Duts suggested that 5 was a suitable number.
It was felt that there was already an adhoc committee in place. Brian is the Treasurer,Justin moderates the forum.There was general agreement that he does an excellent job.Baybus even got a mention but Justin has yet meet him. If any post is deemed to be slanderous or racist,then that post will be deleted.Declan is also involved in looking after the forum.
Chairman was then elected and is myself.Duts was named as Vice Chairman.

Discussion then moved on to Club events and Club attendance at Shows.It was felt that the Calendar on the site should be kept updated and Liam Dwyer is going to keep this updated.
The Calendar is a key part of the site and it was suggested that it should be in a more prominent postion on the site.
Box for upcoming events should also be more prominent.

A drive in movie in Cork was suggested as a Club Event.
Swapmeets were discussed and weather was felt to be an issue.Jon White offered to organise one on a Sunday March/April in Castledermot.It would be indoors which eliminates any worries about the weather.
Coxy,s Jumpstart was discussed and everyone agreed that it was a great event.
Mikey will organise a Run to Kilcock in April.
The Drag Race day organised by Dave and Ben was discussed and the preparations for this year are already underway.There are only 60 race places availiable.So get in early.
The Car Shows were discussed and the following Shows will be attended as Eircooled.
These are Limerick,Terenure and Fermoy.

Mikey agreed to continue to organise the Club Boutique..
Club has approx €3000 in cash. €2000 in the bank and the rest in Paypal.

The meeting was then concluded and we went to lunch.
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Club Member
Club Member
June 2, 2009
cork city
hi guys i noticed in the review of the meeting notes events that eircooled will be present are
Limerick,Terenure and Fermoy. what about monard martin murray ????


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
hi guys i noticed in the review of the meeting notes events that eircooled will be present are
Limerick,Terenure and Fermoy. what about monard martin murray ????

That is assumed, and didn't need to be mentioned I think.


Club Member
Club Member
June 9, 2011
Derry / Donegal
Anyone any thoughts about adding Dubshed or OXO to the list of Eircooled events....? Trev\Shane\Tsar have done an excellent job in the past of promoting eircooled.

I know there is a considerable watercooled presence at Dubshed, but its a pretty big well attended show. And I like to see the presence of aircooled stuff grow each year.... The Aircooled selection at Titanic Dubs (organsied by the same folk) was well attended...and Oxo has some quality stuff, but limited numbers...

Its just a thought.......if someone lends me the Eircooled banner Ill fly it....lol. But it would be nice to get some quality wagens attending..


Club Member
Club Member
February 18, 2009
Its just a thought.......if someone lends me the Eircooled banner Ill fly it....lol. But it would be nice to get some quality wagens attending..

I couldn't make the AGM this year but I have a club banner and Gazebo. I had these last year at:

Martin Murray's Eirespares
Limerick show,
Drag day
Tramore (but it was too windy)

I'm happy to put it up at any shows I'm at but if someone else wants it for any show I can't make it would be great.

Any chance we could get a few of those tear shaped flags too? Does anyone in the club have a contact for these?