Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

19th of July Trim show


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
This Year's Show will be held on Sunday 19th July 2009

Trim Vintage and Veteran Rally has been running since 1985. It started in a small yard in Loman Street Trim with just 23 cars. The founder Norman Pratt determined to expand the show, approached the Roundtree family who very kindly gave us Porch fields to use on the day.
It has grown each year since then and now we have in excess of 450 cars and motor cycles on show. It has become a renowned family day out with a lot of different side shows to keep everyone happy from the young to the old.
It has become such a great day that the only thing that could spoil it would be the weather.
We have had everything from The Slieve le Mon Armoured Car from the Civil War to the Presidential Rolls Royce. We have had great support from Northern Ireland and the northern visitors enlighten a lot of us greatly with their range of cars. We have also had the Morgan Club of Great Britain over to visit. We receive numerous entries but never know until the day what is going to turn up.
One of the reasons for this rally is to raise funds for local Charities.
Attractions at this years event include the following: Vintage, Veteran & Classic Cars, Vintage Tractors & Motor Cycles, Classic American Cars, Aer Corp Flyover and their latest Helicopter the C135, Garda Helicopter, Fun Fair, Hot Air Balloon - World Record Balloonist Pauline Baker will attend, Car Boot Sale, Auto Jumble, Dog Show, TMC Cars (Skoda Dealer), Blanchardstown 4x4, River Rescue, Line Dancing, Junior Football Blitz and Food stalls.


AKA Deckie
November 21, 2006
Ballytoooooole .............
Anyway all of us couldn't make it to Martin Murrays. :(


I snuck in with the VAG drivers crew

Darrens lastest purchase

Lovely 61

Found my Squares twin, No one around by I left a few calling cards

Brian Raftery

October 25, 2006
Kiltimagh Co. Mayo
Thats Leo's, He had the VW garage in Rathgar and was the mechanic that worked on my car for about 20 years before I got it.
The '61 cab is Brian Maguire's he also owns a 1950 convertable beetle.