Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. Nevets

    73 Late Bay

    Good of you to say. Thanks Noah.
  2. Nevets

    73 Late Bay

    So much put into this resto. over the last couple of years it was supposed to be my keeper. Typing this now feels like taking a family pet to be put down. I have been struggling for days just to put this post up. (I have a feeling I might regret this for a very long time). '73, LHD, (Dry State)...
  3. Nevets

    Volksworld Show - Sandown Race Course 19th March 2022

    Up for grabs. I have two tickets for Saturday Entry. If anyone is planning to make the trip and has not yet purchased tickets, you are welcome to them as I can't make it myself. Strictly speaking they are non transferable, but who's to know. Free to the first person to ask. Send me a PM with...
  4. Nevets

    Des Res

    Never mind high rents, here's the solution: https://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=2349235
  5. Nevets

    ‘68 Beetle 1500 model. Original paint survivor. Price: £10,000

    Just up on the Samba.com Only a ferry trip away in Wales. Thought it might be of interest to someone with some cash to burn. https://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=2330319
  6. Nevets

    [Wanted: Parts] Front Seats - T25 Captains Chairs

    Looking for a pair of front seats to upgrade my T2. Captains chairs from a T25 would be ideal. (very optimistic I know). If not something similar that's not too high or troublesome to fit. Not too fussed about condition as they will be re-trimed in any case.
  7. Nevets

    Wells House Classic Car Show - Wexford

    Thought this might be interest to anyone in the South East. Never been before myself, so I can't comment on the expected turnout. https://wellshouse.ie/event/classic-car-show-2/