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[Wanted: Parts] Swivel seat base


Club Member
Club Member
November 5, 2007
up north :)
God I'd love one, been keeping my eye out for ages, seen a cool trick with a ford galaxy seats, they swivel, only partly, but you can modify them really easily 8)


Club Member
Club Member
October 12, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
If you're looking for some cheap swivel plate bearings then look at the Boating Industry. There are plenty of different sizes available to suit Boat Chairs and I'm sure you should be able to find something to take the weight of the T4 chair.

Or else, think 4 no. smaller roller bearings in a North / South / East / West configuration. All bearings swivel around a larger centre tube. This will help make the seat more sturdy and not rock due to spreading the weight further from the center of the chair.
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