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[Wanted: Parts] Petrol Cap for Beetle

Emma Noonan

Club Member
Club Member
October 8, 2012
Looking for a petrol cap for my beetle as my fuel economy is literally plummeting!! Was chatting to a mechanic I know at the weekend and figures back pressure is forcing the fuel out as the petrol cap doesnt have a tight seal. Anyone have one lying about that they could donate that could solve my problem or any recommendations (willing to pay for one if i have to - ill make it back saving fuel anyway)

Here's a pic I took of it the other day with quarter tank - fuel literally coming back out :(



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Mr Browne

Club Member
Club Member
October 24, 2006
Try heating the seal with a cigarette lighter - you will almost certainly never have another problem again. With anything. Ever.


Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
try heating the seal with a cigarette lighter - you will almost certainly never have another problem again. With anything. Ever.

/////////// caution /////////

petrol + fire = more fire

/////////// caution /////////


Club Member
Club Member
Try heating the seal with a cigarette lighter - you will almost certainly never have another problem again. With anything. Ever.

Thats not nice, what if she is good looking?
(did I just think out loud again!!)

i bought a job lot of stuff last year, I think there might have been one amidst the stuff.
will have a look in the morrow and let you know.

Emma Noonan

Club Member
Club Member
October 8, 2012
Worst advice ever!!!!


@ jo & em - thank you :)
@ bugboy - gonna have a look at sealing the hole in the cap from the outside with resin to see if that's the issue, hopefully will solve the issue temporarily but long term fix preferred. Had a look on Jon whites site and should be able to find a new cap but if there's one going would be fantastic, thanks again
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