Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.



Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
Anyone on for setting up a geocaching thread on here?

For those that dont know, the idea is that someone goes and leaves something in a hidden but nice location somewhere. The place should be interesting, picturesque or whatever, then they go onto the forum and post the GPS coordinates of the article. Then someone else goes and searches for and picks up the item that was left, takes it and replaces it with something else interesting and leaves it somewhere else, and posts the GPS coordinates of the location they left it in, and it goes on like that. At least thats my understanding of it anyway.

Because of the nature of our club here, I think we should limit the articles to things useful or in someway related to motoring, such as anything from a model car to an oil change kit but not some piece of junk thats of no use or interest to anybody. That way, its a nice surprise each time someone gets there and theyve gotten something for what they've given. The item must be fairly well hiden and inconspicuous so as not to get picked up by some passer by or whatever, and should be protected from the elements.

I think it could be fun. Ive heard a few people mention it so if anyone is interested, when I get back I'll get a tupperware container and pop something in it and come back with the GPS coordinates. Any interest?
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Super Super Super
November 9, 2006
Sounds interesting.. but I don't have sat nav because I know where I'm going before I leave.

How accurate are the coordinates? 10m?

Brian T

Club Member
Club Member
November 21, 2007
Cork-a-doodle-doo baaaaai
cool idea. once it doesnt get out of hand and ends up with people 'caching' 'weekend cigarette construction kits' around the place!!!:rasta:

although......could that be such a bad idea.......!


Club Member
Club Member
October 25, 2006
Well grid coordinates are grid coordinates. If you want to do it old school you can do it with a map instead of a GPS. GPSs are usually around 10m accuracy, yeah. We should limit ourselves to car related stuff though. When I get back, I'll find something interesting and make the first drop-off then, seeing as there seems to be some interest in this.


Club Member
I don't have a sat nav (or know how they work) and my maps in the car, But it's not far from where the red van is parked outside that house on the corner.:w00t:

I know I'm blonde Brian but your just taking the piss outta me now...I don't see any tree near the red van parked outside the house on the corner :wallbash:
