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[For Sale: Car] Bargains on DoneDeal


Club Member
Club Member
July 10, 2008
North Wexford


Club Member
Club Member
February 20, 2007


I love the fact that this appears to be living in a regular estate somewhere in Galway...:D


November 11, 2007
Co. Laois

that's only three miles from me so I went to have a look out of nosiness more than anything. It's a 65 bug imported from the UK in '83 so it's got an '83 vintage plate, UK/German glass etc. It's a Deluxe model with the nice chrome strip across the dash and a 6V radio and an under-dash parcel shelf. Other than that it's proper fucked in the body. You'd put the usual stuff into it: floors, channels, front and rear quarter bottoms, spare wheel well, bumper mounts, rear valance, maybe a frame head bottom plate, I didn't check. However, it has AMAZING patina with algae all over it. Underneath the green it's "sea sand" beige L568 and the bonnet is present despite not featuring in the pictures. It has come completely away from the reinforcing corners at the top edge though. It's still on 6V electrics throughout.

It would take the same work to resurrect it as a rotten Irish '70s beetle but would be great to see the patina retained and the mechanicals freshened up.

he's half agreed a sale at €350 but the buyer is stalling til mid week to organise a trailer. He's had lots of calls looking to buy the log book and plates from it...