Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.



Club Member
Club Member
June 2, 2009
cork city
26th jan south roscommon taughmaconnell ballinasloe 087 7565147

9th feb corin mart fermoy co cork info 0863183459

16th feb shrule co mayo h91 fx39 info 086 8246671 or 085 8595085

1st march longford old army barracks longford open 9am info 085 7148147

11th march ballinasloe co galway info 089 4440418

29th march breffni vintage autojumble & colleftors fair info 087 1238404

10th may carlow ducketts grove show plus autojumble info 087 6722972

24th may lakeland vintage club @ abbeyshrule co longford n39 vk80 info 086 8052977

28th june charleville show charlevillle co cork 063 89599 087 9444083

12th july shrule vintage club glencorrib shrule co mayo info 087 2654865 0868246671
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