Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. Tim

    [For Sale: Parts] NOS early fast back cill panels

    NOS early fastback cill panels, one inner, one outer. Some surface rust, 250 euros. Decklid from 65 beetle , excellent condition, ready for primer. 150 euros.
  2. Tim

    [For Sale: Car] 72 Fastback for sale

    And more pics as requested,
  3. Tim

    [For Sale: Car] 72 Fastback for sale

    More pics as requested
  4. Tim

    [For Sale: Car] 72 Fastback for sale

    Here are the pics, if you scare easily then go away and play with the children:p This car is not for the amateur or faint hearted, but is restorable if you got the skills and the time , and a bit of cash. Its too time consuming for me at the moment, as something else has come up, as always...
  5. Tim

    [For Sale: Car] 72 Fastback for sale

    72 Fastback for sale. Driving, Needs bodywork repair 2k.
  6. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] T 25 Towbar

    T 25 towbar wanted. Thanks
  7. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] T 25 Towbar Wanted.

    Towbar wanted for a 1987 T25, metal bumpers. Thanks
  8. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] Fastback Heater Channels.

    If you know of a supplier for heater channels and floor pans for a fastback, could you point me in that direction. As Status Vw has now been bought by Justcampers, it appears that no type 3 channels or floor pans are on their stocklist , even though status had them for sale on their original...
  9. Tim

    [Wanted: Car] Split screen

    The rest of the party can use this:D In all fairness I ccouldn,t imagine any one letting their pride and joy be self driven for a wedding party, but good luck with the search. You cant really replace any splitscreen with money in the event of a mishap.
  10. Tim

    Get Insured with Eircooled's Insurance Partner - First Ireland

    Do you need to have an insurance on another car , or be named on one , to avail of this classic policy.
  11. Tim

    [For Sale: Car] non aircooled 1983 t 25

    There you go biddlebop
  12. Tim

    [Wanted: Car] Quarter light Inner frames

    Still looking for quarter light inner door frames. The frames that fit into the door, and then the quarter light frame and glass is fixed to. If you have any half decent, I,d be interested. Thanks Tim
  13. Tim

    [Wanted: Car] VRT Rates

    What way are the vrt rates calculated for a camper. I cant seem to find a designation o the site. Any info would be appreciated. thanks.
  14. Tim

    [Wanted: Car] Bay Window Camper Wanted.

    As you probably know, I,m in the market for a bay camper. Cash deal for the right one. Considering what happened on other threads related to my requirements, I would like this to stay serious please, for my benefit, and the benefit of the seller. If you cant do that then knock yourselves out...
  15. Tim

    [Wanted: Car] Bolt On Bellhousing Transporter.

    I,m looking for a bolt on bell housing from an old gearbox, for a vw engine start up frame. Thanks
  16. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] Beetle parts wanted.

    I,m still looking for 2 front heater vent covers. I,m also looking for front 1/4 windows and full windows, to change my 1 piece windows back to stock setup. My car is 1976 .Good window regulators also wanted. thanks, tim
  17. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] heater vent covers

    I,m looking for 2 heater channel vent covers for a 76 beetle. I need to be able to close the footwell heater vents, and direct the heat up to the windscreen, as the heat is burning the feet off me....................luckily:D
  18. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] Vented 6v deck lid wanted

    ....or last thing at night,
  19. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] Footwell panel.

    Ha, ha,......thanks for the offer, but here is one I made earlier, as I thought it would be hard to pin down.
  20. Tim

    [Wanted: Parts] Footwell panel.

    I,m looking for a drivers side footwell panel for a 76 beetle. thanks