Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

[For Sale: Parts] timewasters .......................... GGGRRRRRR!!!


Club Member
Club Member
November 5, 2007
up north :)
Im sure everyones had them at some time, just want to save someone else the trouble of waiting on them. My most recent .......... BADMARX.

He's sent me dozens of pms, and texts, and arranged to call see vehicles/ projects etc and then nothing but excuses........ i mean going back till last christmas........ then starting up recently again. Wanted my shell, etc etc, bringing van so need it ready etc etc .......

then as usual when it comes to crunch has another excuse, whether true or not, dont really care.

Im Pissed off surely but dont want someone else to put time and effort into getting a project ready for this guy just for him to stop answering or create a new excuse.

Im sure hes a stand up guy, but not in my books, rant over. :)


Club Member
Club Member
September 10, 2007
fuck that shit ignore his texts and calls and let someone else step up, its like the 300 "serious" inquiries about the oval from "other" sites, my arse!!!

if someones serious about a project then i wouldnt fuck about, dont do the donkey work until theyve at least been up and dug it out of the hedge!