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[Wanted: Parts] Looking for a Bosch 034 svda distributor from a circa 73-74 1600


Club Member
Club Member
October 22, 2008

I have taken off the dells for Britt and replaced them with a standard 34PICT3.

the 009 (mexi version bought from George in Camvolks many moons ago) is now surplus to requirements and i need a good vac/mechanical advance dissy to replace it.

there was an 034 on this engine but i cant find the damm thing... it may have been skipped while i wasnt looking!! have borrowed a vac advance for now but could do with getting the right dissy for the engine...

does anyone have an 034 or an electronic dissy off a t25 lying about and if so... would ye be willing to part for cash / paypal :-D

