Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Irish Ferries Group Discount for July 2016, brought to you by V.A.G.E.!


Active member
December 14, 2011
Hi all,

Me and a few of the VAGE gang will be making our annual trip over to GTi International, which takes place this year from July9-10th.

As part of our trip every year, we negotiate a group discount with Irish Ferries, so, like last year, I'm throwing this offer open to anyone on here who might like to make use of it.

So, here's the details, based on sailing outward and returning in the first half of July.

Based on a minimum of 10 vehicles travelling through either Dublin or Rosslare, they can offer the following prices, which are a significant saving on fares if you book online:

Car and 2 adults €224.00 return
Extra adult €24.00 return
Extra child €12.00 return

Saturday Supplement €37.00 each way

These prices apply for travel on the bulk of the cruise ferry services up to July 15[SUP]th[/SUP] and supplements would apply for the 1415hrs cruise ferry from Dublin, all Swift sailings and for travel after this date.

If this offer is of use to you, get back to me ASAP on vage.club.ireland@gmail.com to register your interest, with the following details.

  1. Name
  2. Contact number
  3. Vehicle make/model - I don't need your reg, you can give that to Irish Ferries when paying.
  4. Number of adults.
  5. Number of children and their ages.
  6. Outward port, sailing date/time.
  7. Return port, sailing date/time.

Once I have a list, I'll get back to the ferry company, who will provide a reference code for each car travelling.

I won't be handling anyone's money, or paying anyone's fares - I'll give you your reference code to use to contact Irish Ferries booking line, then you can pay them directly by card/green shield stamps/eircom shares/gold bullion or whatever you like!



Active member
December 14, 2011
One of the lads is bringing a T5 transporter and a caravan; with the deal, was only charged €300 return!

I'm throwing this open to anyone folks, tell your friends, family etc.

the more the merrier!

It can be used for camperjam, gti international, or any other event across the water within july.