Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. Shea

    [Wanted: Parts] rear N/S corner section, engine lid & petrol flap for 71 baywindow

    My import bay suffered some crash damage at some stage in it's life so was wondering if anyone has an earlybay that they're breaking. I need a N/S corner up to the bottom of the tailgate, an engine lid and a petrol flap. Thanks! Shea.
  2. Shea

    [Wanted: Parts] list of parts for bus

    Hi Guys, I got a 1971 bus from the U.S. that Britt helped me bring over last year, I just got it M.O.T'd, registered and got Caddy to rebuild the engine. I'll get a thread on it going in the coming days but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone had the following before I go buy them new...
  3. Shea

    [Wanted: Car] Beetle

    Hi guys still looking for a beetle baz checked one out for me but it needed work to it, really fed up driving my picasso now whch I had to buy on a days notice because my beetle failed its m.o.t and I had to drive to france. I've been checking all the usual places, ebay, donedeal...
  4. Shea

    [Wanted: Parts] anyone doing a run up north soon?

    Hi everyone, I've agreed to buy a beetle interior from darragh on here, the interiors in naas and I'm in Derry so before I drive down myself I was wondering if anyone was passing naas and could bring it a bit closer, I might as well give the petrol money to someone who's already making a run...
  5. Shea

    [Wanted: Parts] 1974 beetle front beam

    Hi Guys, I've been lingering around the forum for a good while now and just bought a 1974 1303, I'll get some pics up of it once everything has been sorted on it. Anyways, took it to the mechanic to get the brakes fixed on it and he said the front beam on it is rotten and needs to be replaced...