Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

  1. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Parts] newer porsche wheels

    front 6..5j 17;et55 205-55-17 tyres michelin pilot sport rear 8j..17;et40 235-50-17 pirelli p 6000 plenty of thread wheels vgc,no marks on them...e500 ono
  2. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Parts] exhausts

  3. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Parts] breaking orange 1302

    engine gone now
  4. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Parts] breaking orange 1302

  5. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Car] 68 karmann ghia

    pics in arena in rockys post:rolleyes:
  6. kombi.noise

    European Bug In 2013 - photos

    cos he didnt post this?
  7. kombi.noise

    [Wanted: Parts] wanted rock and roll bed

    for t3 three quarter or full width
  8. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Parts] t3 dash

    rhd ;no rust or cuts or drilled holes 50 euro
  9. kombi.noise

    coxys camping weekend

    due to a change in circumstances this is likely to become a reality... sometime in next 4 months ... date and venue TBA :helpme:
  10. kombi.noise

    [For Sale: Car] t3

    rhd twin slider 1.9d few rust issues no holes few mech issues,nothing major