Welcome to Eircooled
Our Ethos is simple; We promote, maintain, and encourage the use of classic aircooled vehicles. We run the club in an open, inclusive, and democratic environment. We encourage all members to have an equal say and part to play in the club.

Search results

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    [Wanted: Parts] WANTED - Thermostat and flaps set up!

    Well Lads! Just removed my engine for the first time... as Muir states 'there are two types of VW owner those who have dropped their engine and those who will'... Got the engine up on the bench without too much bother... then noticed! A previous owner has removed the thermostat and flaps set up...
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    [Wanted: Parts] Manifold - 1600 twin-port

    Hi Lads Just wondering if anyone has a manifold in good nic to fit a 1600 twinport engine? cheers bluebus
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    [Wanted: Parts] Bell housing and starter

    Hi there.. Im looking for a bell housing and starter to allow me to set up 1.6 engine up on the bench... anyone have anything or know a good scrapyard in the northern end of the country for picking up the like? Any help much appreciated! Lee
  4. B

    Throttle Control Screw - pict 34 - 3 carburettor

    Hi All Okay Im resisting the temptation to call this post 'looking for a screw'! What I am looking for is a throttle control screw for a 34 pict 3 carb?.. anyone know where I might get one or have one to sell? Any help much appreciated! Thanks Lee